Business Consultants
Share your expertise with the world
Easily sell your expertise online?
Our goal is to create a website ready to sell your expertise online. Monetise and sell to new customers or as a value-add to your existing customers.
We can build and deliver a learning platform ready for your content. Take the time and stress out of the process and let us support you in delivering your expertise to more customers worldwide.
No time to build online content?
You are expertly delivering training for businesses, corporations and charities, but the calendar is back-to-back, and time is tight. We want to support you in building an online learning experience with content and structure designed to improve customer retention. Improving return on investment for you and your customers, making your online expertise the best in the business.
Need a fresh perspective on business problem?
We offer a bespoke service. Supporting a customer facing product or an internal need. Let us support your business to deliver by offering novel learning solutions to the projects that need a fast pair of eyes.
Online learning portal
Share your expertise online. We help businesses, consultants and corporate trainers earn more from their expertise. With us you can share your expertise with your customers and employees, save the time in development and get a learning platform ready to connect to your website. Offer cross-sell, up-sell and value-add content to your existing and a new wider customer base. As well as upskilling opportunities to your employees.
Learning content creation
You know your sector and business. You’re the expert. We want to help you share and earn from your expertise worldwide. With your guidance and face-to-face material, we can apply our experience and develop an online learning structure and content to sell over and over. With years of experience in all mediums, we can truly create the novel content to suit your business.
Learning & development coaching
For the more significant projects, whether internal or external, that require a unique approach to problem-solving and a fresh pair of eyes. We can help apply our expert learning knowledge and experience to get results.
How We Work
Our simple process to your online learning portal
Once you decide to share your expertise with the world there are three steps to achieve this goal:
1. Book a consultation
2. Review initial design
3. Sign off on your new online platform
01 – Book a consultation
Once you decide to work with us, we can book a consultation convenient for you. We can listen to your goals and advise. Come to the meeting prepared with any brand files and text copy, and we can start to get ready with a daft design.
02 – Review initial design
We will keep in regular contact and decide on how many touch-point meetings you need to review the design process. We will build the solution to a basic structure ready for formal review. Once signed off, we can work to complete the final set-up.
03 – Sign off on your new online portal
Once we complete the build, we can schedule a final meeting to walk through the design and final handover. We can show you how to upload your content, how track customer use and engage and promote your content.
Get in touch with us, save time and effort and have your online learning offering within days.